Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Help: Skin care

Hi everyone!

So I think its safe to say I am a skin care noob. I'm embarrasingly one of the those people who use make up wipes to remove my make up at night then go straight to bed. Saying that though, since Christmas I have got into using the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish which I love! I also moisturise my face daily using the Simple Light Moisturiser.

I need some help on recommending some effective high street skin products to establish a better skin care routine. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

I currently use the Loreal True Match Foundation, but am looking to try out another drug store one. So any suggestions on that also would be handy.



  1. I know its not technically "high street" but Lush face masks are pretty reasonably priced and work wonders on the skin. They have a bunch of different masks depending on your skin concern (I am not sure what yours is), Plus, if you bring back 5 empty and clean pots, you get a free one!

    I have quite a few skincare post if you'd care to check out my blog! wednesdaypress.blogspot.com

    xo, Rebecca

  2. thank you for your advice! i'll definitely check out your blog! :) xx
